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Life Vision Mapping Workshop

A weekend workshop based on the VIP Life Vision Mapping day. Co-create your own Vision Map in relaxed surroundings with like-minded women. Depending on the weather and the wishes of the participants these weekends will be held in Prague or in some relaxing countryside location. Two weekends are still available:

Summer Weekend - 15/16.06.2019

Winter Weekend - 07/08.12.2019


Best Year Yet

Together we look at your last year, picking out the good and the bad bits. Then we create a plan for making your next year literally your Best Year Yet. Uniquely, this program is not tied to the calendar year, where everything starts on January 1st, but rather to the year that has most relevance to you.  This is either a one-on one session, or there are group sessions still available:

April - 2019

June - 2019


Understand Men Better

A pair of weekend workshops, one month apart, on the topic of understanding men. How they think, how they react, how they differ from women, and occasionally how they are the same. You will learn how to appreciate men's perspective on life, and how to communicate with them more easily and more productively. You will get more from them, and in turn they will appreciate you more.

Summer - 04/05.05.2019  and  01/02.06.2019

Autumn - 21/22.09.2019  and  19/20/10/2019


Feminicity Program

Based on the VIP Personal Strategy Day, this program is designed to explore strategies and techniques which empower women, but in a more collaborative and group-based setting. We will examine, for example, power systems, identity matrix, masculine and feminine power, personal values, your deepest desires, and finally we will will evolve a personal power strategy for each participant. It's hard work requiring energy and concentration, and staying power for the three weekend program over three months.

Weekend 1 - 23/24.02.2019

Weekend 2 - 23/24.03.2019

Weekend 3 - 13/14.04.2019

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